We have been shooting up in the North East of Scotland for several years. During our earlier years, we used other goose guides, but we must say that the last 5 years have been the most memorable - Which is when we met Rob Milne. Robbie's field craft & knowledge of geese is second to none - You cannot predict wild birds, but we can honestly say he has never let us down. With other options, just in case, Rob always had a trick up his sleeve. He proved to be a professional, incomparable guide, with the upmost respect for his quarry. Whilst shooting, we felt we were in best possible hands & in the best possible place. Following our experience, we will look no further than shooting geese with Rob Milne whilst in Scotland - Hopefully for years to come.
Ricky Palmer
Je chasse les oies avec Robbie chaque année au mois de janvier depuis 2010. J’ai toujours grand plaisir à découvrir cette région magnifique et cette population incroyable d’oies. Robbie est l’homme idéal pour dénicher les meilleurs territoires de chasse car il connait le secteur mieux que quiconque. Son expérience dans le domaine de la chasse a fait de lui une référence incontournable.
I have been hunting geese with Robbie every year in January since 2010. I always enjoy exploring this beautiful region and this incredible population of geese. Robbie is the perfect man to find the best hunting grounds because he knows the industry better than anyone. His experience in the field of hunting has made him a reference.
Laurent LAMMIN (Dunkerque France)
Laurent LAMMIN
In 2012, I had the privilege of being introduced to Robbie Milne, a renowned goose guide from Aberdeenshire. Since then my party have made the annual successful pilgrimage to N.East Scotland. Robbie is a true professional, a considerable authority on geese, and one who has the utmost respect for his quarry. As all wildfowlers know, there are no guarantees when dealing with wild birds, however, with Robbie you feel you will be put in the best possible location pertaining to flight paths, weather conditions and feeding patterns. A truly nice guy.
David Chartres
I have been shooting with Robbie for 2 decades now and have had over 400 days Goose decoying and also many trips up for Pigeons with various teams of guns throughout the years. His wealth of knowledge gained from a lifetime of shooting and stalking is second to none one of the true professionals who passion to deliver the finest sport to his guns has never diminished. He is constantly upgrading his equipment sourcing the best from all around the world and is a master with camouflage and concealment, he has a considerable command of some of the finest areas for shooting around the various roosts all along the Moray Firth coast and always has several options up his sleeve to provide you with the very best sport each day . Long may he continue .
Chris Hilldrith